
Discord bot for my Book club

Teacher is a Discord bot I wrote for a book club my friend started. Teacher bot is capable of responding to several commands to maintain a reading list with ratings and organization by series and author which it will message to a discord channel when prompted.

Basic Commands:

!add [author] [series]: Adds a new book with optional author and series to the syllabus.
!remove : Removes an item from the syllabus by name or unique ID.
!complete : Marks an item as complete or incomplete by its name or unique ID.
!syllabus [minutes]: Lists all items in the syllabus, optionally deletes the message after specified minutes. Use 0 for infinite time.
!todo [minutes]: Lists all incomplete items in the syllabus, optionally deletes the message after specified minutes.
!graveyard [minutes]: Lists all completed items, optionally deletes the message after specified minutes.
!poll : Initiates a poll for a specific item.
!update : Updates a specific column of an item in the syllabus.
!list_series : Lists all books in a specific series, formatted with authors and order.
!columns: Lists all column names in the syllabus table.
!cmds: Displays available bot commands.
!report_bug : Allows users to report a bug, which then gets inserted into the database.

Tech Stack:

  • Python

  • PostgreSQL

  • Discord

  • Hosted on replit.com